Serbjeet Kohli

Serbjeet Kohli

Serbjeet has over 16 years’ experience in transaction advisory services for transport investments and is a specialist in travel demand modelling and forecasting and transport economics.

Serbjeet is a qualified project manager and a transport economist with key specialisation in strategic transport modelling and demand and revenue forecasting. He has managed several projects involving strategic transport model development and applications with travel demand forecasting tools. Through his experience in demand and revenue assessment of transport projects he has gained specialist skills in delivering investment grade forecasts to support bids for PPP based transport projects. 

At Steer, Serbjeet is the Director in India and is responsible for the company’s business in the country. His role is to offer the same high quality and level of service to clients in India and in the wider South Asian region as we do elsewhere in the world.

Articles and insights by this expert

08 Dec 2016

Demonetizzazione e trasporti: in che modo la tecnologia può essere d’aiuto?

La recente decisione (8 novembre 2016) del governo indiano di demonetizzare l’86% delle banconote in circolazione del valore di 500 INR (7,5 dollari/6 sterline) e di 1000 INR (15 dollari/12 sterline) è stata una sorta di shock per l’economia indiana ed i suoi cittadini. Il governo ha concesso ai cittadini 50 giorni di tempo per depositare le vecchie banconote sui conti correnti e disposto che potessero ritirare solo una quantità limitata di nuove banconote o di banconote di taglio più piccolo. A quattro settimane da questa decisione, non è ancora possibile formulare un verdetto finale sull’impatto complessivo di questa mossa.

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