Steer commissioned to conduct study on cross-border long-distance trains in Europe

In November 2019, the European Commission declared its commitment to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 (the European Green Deal). The Green Deal is a response to the challenges presented by atmospheric warming, climate change, destruction of habitats and extinction of species, and has major implications for transport policy.

Transport accounts for a quarter of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions and needs to achieve a 90% reduction in emissions by 2050, with contributions from all modes driven partly by an acceleration of the shift to sustainable and smart mobility. With their potential to be powered entirely by electricity generated from renewable sources, railways are potentially a major contributor to meeting these targets, particularly for cross-border travel where both aircraft and long-distance coaches remain powered by fossil fuels. Rail is also safe and connects people and businesses throughout Europe via the Trans European Network (TEN-T). To support the achievement of the Green Deal, the Commission launched a Sustainable and Smart Transport Strategy and declared 2021 the European Year of Rail.

Against this background, the European Commission wants to assess how to promote long-distance cross-border services by means of a Pilot Project. Night train and high-speed services will also be in scope for this assessment. Following on from this study, the Commission intends to publish an action plan to boost long-distance and cross-border passenger rail services mid-2021.

Steer has recently been commissioned by the European Commission to perform this cross-border long-distance trains study. Our work will start with an analysis of the existing situation, from which we will identify obstacles for the further development of cross-border long-distance trains and propose and evaluate measures to remove these. The obstacles section of the study will zoom into and encompass a comprehensive analysis of rolling stock, ticketing, technical-operational-safety related matters, infrastructure capacity, infrastructure charges and cross-border PSO contracts. A preliminary Impact Assessment will be performed on the most promising measures. Finally, the results of the study will then be presented in a stakeholder conference. Our team will perform the study using a combination of desk research and in-depth interviews with relevant stakeholders.

The study takes place in a context whereby the  European Green Deal has resulted in the development of a whole range of initiatives at EU Member State and at train operator level. For example, the publication of Germany’s Trans-European Express 2.0 plan and the Declaration of Intent by four European rail operator to achieve its objectives, the French Presidential Declaration to relaunch night trains, and the return of night trains in the Netherlands as of December 2020. In respect of this, it should be noted that the study has no intention to duplicate the work that has already been performed but instead will focus on an enabling framework with initiatives that are actionable by the European Commission. 

Steer is extremely proud to contribute to the further development of rail as a transport mode. Award of this high-profile assignment took place after a highly competitive process where Steer came first out of 13 candidates. Steer has a longstanding experience working for European Institutions and performed the 2017 study on the future of night trains for the European Parliament. The work is a good fit with our appointment (as part of a wider consortium) to support the French Ministry of Transport in relation to the Trains d’Equilibre du Territoire (all long-distance trains other than TGV) including the relaunch and tendering of night train services.


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