Steer begins business plan and strategy advisory for regional trade and security hub Alexandroupolis Port Authority

Steer is proud to have been asked to prepare a strategy and business plan for the Alexandroupolis Port Authority by the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF).

Last week our Project Manager Angeliki Terpou and Project Director Alberto Preti began a series of meetings in Athens and Alexandroupolis. These included interviews with business stakeholders and the Port’s current and future clients, and an important observational site visit.

Alexandroupolis Port sits at the gate of the European Union, and it is pivotal in European energy, food, and military security. A key point between the Black Sea and Aegean Sea, Alexandroupolis is a multipurpose port with bulk (e.g. grains, wood, and building materials), break-bulk (e.g. wind turbines), and ferry traffic. The Port also hosts a Liquified Natural Gas facility due to start operations in a few weeks and military logistics (US Army, NATO), in the all-important southeastern region of Europe. 

Our expertise at work in Alexandroupolis 

Our advisory focuses on three main pillars and has the strategic objective to support HRADF and the Port Authority in shaping the Port development strategy, building the Port business plan, and defining the road map to implement it:

  • Market: We are providing advice on which role the Port plays now and can play in the future, taking into account the Port’s competitive positioning between the northern Aegean Sea and the ports in the eastern Black Sea; we are focussing on regional trade and shipping patterns, on the Port's intermodal and rail reach to the Balkans and southeast Europe, and on their evolution.
  • Technical: We are analysing the Port operations and infrastructure, identifying investment opportunities and need for facilities and equipment at the Port and in hinterland connectivity to ensure capacity, service and productivity, and capture market opportunities.
  • Business: We are supporting the preparation of the Port strategy and the definition of the priorities to capture the market potential, including traffic and revenue forecasts by cargo type, and the OpEx and CapEx plans.

Steer will provide HRADF and the Port Authority a viable and sustainable plan for the Port’s commercial growth, suggesting a pragmatic approach and the steps to successfully operate on the market. 

Our expertise

Steer has extensive expertise which can help Port Authorities and maritime players to analyse and plan actions for commercial development, including deep knowledge of the shipping market, of terminal equipment needs, rail and multimodality, and public policies in the ports and maritime sector.

To learn more about how Steer could help you with ports and maritime projects, contact Alberto Preti.

To learn more about Steer projects and activities in Greece, contact Angeliki Terpou.

Alexandroupolis Port Authority - Steer site visit photos


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